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Back from Europe!

Hey guys, I’ve been in Europe for about a month, visiting friends and family with my daughter. We had a great time. I’ve been so jet lagged after coming home – a whole week of not sleeping much at night. Finally getting over it now.

I just posted a fun fusion lick for you. Check it out here. The Soundslice version has an extra slow-motion video you can access: click the “cog” icon, and then under Recordings, you’ll see “slow motion”. Also, you should always use the Full screen button there, to get the best Soundslice view. Always go Full screen!

Hendrix Strat demo – check it out here. I’m checking out some gear at the local music store now and then, and I’m trying to bring my video camera along each time.

I’m working on a course on how to practice, and I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on that. Do let me know.

The 24 Blues Turnarounds have been added/updated for you. You can access this course here.

Low Income Blues has been received very well so far. I’ve added one new Soundslice to it – all 4 solos combined into one performance. Check it out here.

Don’t miss the Live Chat on Friday! Provide questions in advance here.

Thanks, Robert.